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Miko's basic Helix options are grouped in two lines – Do No Harm and Do More Harm.

Additional Helix options can be unlocked by leveling up Character Rank and show up in-game after they are unlocked.

Lvl Do No Harm Mutation Do More Harm Lvl
1 First Responder Breathe Deep 1
While Biosynthesis is active, healing an ally with the Healing Beam increases Miko's movement speed.
+15% Movement Speed
Intensifies the slowing effect of Cloud of Spores.
+100% Slow
2 Regenerative Aura Heal Thyself 2
Biosynthesis' healing-over-time effects are extended to nearby allies. While Biosynthesis is active, healing an ally with Miko's Healing Beam also heals Miko.
3 Evolutionary Emergence Plentiful Healing
Character Rank 3
Swift Draw 3
Reduces cooldown time across all skills.
-15% Cooldown Time
Increases healing granted to allies by Miko's Healing Beam.
+13 Health per Second
Increases the reload speed of Miko's Kunai.
+50% Reload Speed
4 Trail of Spores Sticky Spores
Character Rank 5
Sporeshock 4
Cloud of Spores drops spores along the way to a target, covering a larger area. Cloud of Spores sticks on impact, bursting when enemies enter its blast radius or after 60 seconds. Enemies directly hit by Cloud of Spores are stunned. No longer slows enemies in the blast radius of a direct hit.
+2 Seconds Stun Duration
5 Toxic Transfusion Pervasive Poison
Character Rank 9
Pandemic 5
A portion of damage dealt to enemy health by Molecular Mycology is returned to Miko as health.
+15% Life Steal
Any damage dealt by Miko applies Molecular Mycology's poison effects. Molecular Mycology's poison effects spread to nearby enemies.
6 Probiotics Healer's Oath
Character Rank 7
Spore Strike 6
Increases Biosynthesis' self-healing effects.
+15% Healing
Increases the effectiveness of Miko's Healing Beam while Biosynthesis is active.
+25% Health per Second
Increases Cloud of Spores' impact damage.
+15% Damage
7 Fight or Flight Bladeslinger 7
Briefly increases movement speed when taking damage.
+15% Movement Speed
Increases the firing rate of Miko's Kunai.
+20% Attack Speed
8 Biosynergy Residency 8
Using the Healing Beam on allies reduces Biosynthesis cooldown.
-30% Cooldown Time
Increases the duration of Biosynthesis effects.
+5 Seconds Duration
9 Spore Storm Resilient Strain 9
Enlarges Cloud of Spores' area of effect.
+50% Area of Effect Radius
Cloud of Spores lingers longer after bursting.
+6 Seconds Duration
10 Barkskin We Are Many
Character Rank 12
Vicious Strain 10
Increases the maximum health of Fungus Among Us mushrooms.
+300 Max Mushroom Health
Reduces the cooldown of Fungus Among Us at the cost of reduced mushroom health.
-50% Cooldown Time, -250 Mushroom Health
Fungus Among Us deals damage over time to enemies in range.
+167 Damage per Second
Lvl Do No Harm Mutation Do More Harm Lvl
