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Tactical Rounds

The first 15 rounds of each Assault Rifle magazine deal 50% additional damage.
Tactical Rounds   Skill 1
Stealth Generator

Activate a cloaking device obscuring Oscar Mike from view and radar detection for 9 seconds. Attacking or using a skill cancels the effect.
Default Cooldown: 20s
Stealth Generator
UPR-AR7 Assault Rifle

The core of Oscar Mike's combat effectiveness is his Assault Rifle and its many available upgrades.
UPR-AR7 Assault Rifle Skill 2
Frag Grenade

Launch a grenade that explodes 3 seconds after launch or 1 second after impact, dealing up to 208 damage to each enemy within its blast radius.
Default Cooldown: 17s
Frag Grenade
UPR-RDC Combat Armor

Oscar Mike’s standard issue Combat Armor can be enhanced to increase survivability.
UPR-RDC Combat Armor Oscar Mike Ultimate

Target an area to strike with 13 laser-guided missiles, each of which explodes dealing 263 damage to nearby enemies.
Default Cooldown: 60s